World War 2 - Relics and Documents
Long Letter from American 8th Air Force Bomber Crew Member
Item #: JMS-759
Long Letter from American 8th Air Force Bomber Crew Member Long Letter from American 8th Air Force Bomber Crew Member Long Letter from American 8th Air Force Bomber Crew Member
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Here we have a June 13th, 1944-dated letter from a crew member of a B-24 bomber on pass in London to his wife of just over one year back in New York. The verbal history that came with this letter was that Lt. Jessie Linsk was the pilot of the bomber, but I am not sure if he was the pilot, co-pilot or some other crewmember. What we know for certain is that he was a crew member in the 752 Squadron, 458th Bomb Group of the 8th Air Force. These guys were heavily involved in the carpet bombing that went on before D-Day and Linsk was part of it. His 5-page letter is written on hotel stationery from London because he has just gone on a 48-hour pass...the first in six weeks, according to his letter. That information, of course, comports with the timing of Operation Overlord.
Linsk writes about how servicemens' mail has been held until very recently. He says that was a dumb move by the War Department because it upset people at home and could have been "the tip-off to the invasion". He talks about being on leave and getting a pass for the first time in six weeks. He says he was tempted "to stay home for the two days and get my last 2 missions in and so get through." Evidently, he thought better of it. For he writes, "...there's no sense in getting too eager. I've made it a habit to fly only on days that I've been scheduled. We've had some eager boys" (Linsk double-underlines the word, 'had') "who have flown on their day off. I'm not superstitious, mind you, but some of these guys didn't get back."
Linsk continues his letter, complaining about the hotel pen he is using. (I think I stayed at that hotel!) In fact, he apologizes for it and complains about it throughout the letter! His writing is still quite legible, I think. Then he talks about going out for "a Chinese meal" with the boys. Using some unfortunate language, Linsk says, " was the best Chink meal I've had since we had chinks in New York." He talks about going to the hotel bar for drinks and how some of the fellows do imbibe while others do not. A pal found some "company" and another companion was "sweating out his wife who is supposed to have a baby in about 2 weeks". Linsk says the fellow is a Mormon and "a really nice guy". Linsk and one buddy retired for the night around 11 while the other "went off with his 'friend'." Reassuring his wife, Linsk reports that "it's okay, babe. He's single."
He woke up the next morning and reported on that day's events. He went to the barber and had "the works. (See, just like you and the beauty parlor!)" The guys plan to go for a Kosher lunch and might then go see a picture...probably "Cover Girl". He closes with some gentle teasing, many assurances of love and the promise that "I should have my 30 missions in by the time you receive this". He tells his wife not to worry. I don't know what became of this man during the war. Further research is needed.
In addition to Linsk's five page letter (which is in magnificent condition) and the censored, stamped cover (which is in fair condition), the purchaser of this lot will also receive an earlier (1943) letter from Mrs. Linsk to her husband when he was stationed at Fletcher Field in Mississippi. Her 2 page (front/back) letter is actually quite touching. She loves and misses her husband. She also talks about seeing movies and having "an inspection". She might have been in the Red Cross or one of the women's branches of service...but she was also taking care of their home in New York.
This lot is the perfect addition to any military, aviation, World War Two or D-Day collection.


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Shipping Weight: 0.6 lb
Your Price... $75.00 USD

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