Here's a "never need to upgrade" example of a wonderfully displayable artifact. This is a rosette generally associated with artillery units. They certainly needed horses to pull cannon and caisson. The patina on this gorgeous relic is an emerald green, still largely occluded by the dirt from the soil in which it was recovered. I don't clean relics but you may wish to give this one a quick "bath" to reveal more of the green. Personally, I think it looks perfect as-is.
What's most unusual about this rosette is that it retains the original attachment bar. 95% of these are dug without the bar or with the bar totally separated from the rosette. The bar on this example is all there, though there is a minuscule separation on one end. The attachment is still quite strong.
I've had this in a display of miscellaneous dug relics for years. You could do the same. Or, you might wish to put this in a display case with some beautiful-condition Union Artillery buttons (I have a bunch for sale...hint, hint!) or a nice photo of horses pulling cannon.
Hat to part with this one by you can't keep everything.
All firearms sold are pre-1898 and historic collectibles. They are not meant to be fired. Jim Stanley & Associates ( will not be liable for injury incurred due to any weapon or artifact purchased from this site. All artillery projectiles sold by Jim Stanley & Associates are absolutely safe and have been professionally and safely de-activated.